Thursday, 26 July 2012

New Image Shake Weight Women's Dynamic Inertia Dumbell

New Image Shake Weight Women's Dynamic Inertia Dumbell

I was keen to try the Shake Weight after a friend in the States reported a measurable improvement in her upper arms, chest and shoulders after only a few weeks of daily use. What appealed to me the most was that it only took six minutes - and, believe me, once I started using it, I wouldn't want to do it for seven! I'm no gym bunny so I found it quite a vigorous work-out. The DVD is clear and informative and the toned female demonstrator (Lynsey) is a qualified personal trainer. You can tell this from her use of phrases such as "Great Job!" and "Now for an active recovery!". Although the workout only takes six minutes and the exercises are simple, it IS quite important to do them correctly i.e. gripping the weight firmly at all times, keeping the wrist straight and the arms and elbows at the correct height and distance from the body. Fortunately this is clearly demonstrated on the DVD. I've been doing the workout on an average of five days per week for about four weeks now and I have already started to see an improvement. My sagging under-arm area is firming up and I have increased muscle tone in the bicep/tricep area. My posture is also improved and I have also noticed increased strength in my upper body. It's not a miracle cure; it is hard work and you do have to be persistent. One thing though: it's very important to combine this (and indeed any) exercise with healthy eating. There's no getting away from that if you want to see fast results. On the whole, a great value-for-money product, no batteries required,and it does what it says on the box.

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