Saturday, 18 August 2012

Dumbbell Rattle

We got this as a present and it is a very pretty little keepsake. It goes well with other silver keepsakes we have, like a little silver covered photo album and silver piggy bank. However, this rattle has not really captured out 5.5 month old baby's interest, although other rattling toys have. Further, the few times she has played with it we were alarmed by its damage potential. When she waves it around (flails) there is a good chance she will knock herself in the head with it. This can happen with any rattle, but most are not made of hard silver. Second, when she is flailing it around, there is a good chance she will fling it, and it can accidentally hit a plate, glass or other breakable. Again this can happen with any rattle, but most are not heavy silver. Finally, other rattles are also good teethers. I don't want her teething on a silver rattle. So we have retired it to the top of her bureau where it is very attractive among the other keepsakes.

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